Lessons Learned

foto do autor
Github Portfolio
Linkedin Profile
    What I learn so far
  1. Linux, Bash, Shell
  2. Slack
  3. HTTP, FTP and Domain
  4. Git & Github
  5. Internet
  6. HTML & CSS
  7. Self Leadership
  8. Self knowledge
  9. Diversity & Inclusion
  10. Feedback culture

The trip start

Technology is part of me since school. After entered in college (BSc Geografy), I did a checkout from main branch and started a new one, renaming this new branch as alternative-projects. Working in theses projects allow me to be introduced to linux, git etc.

Two years ago I've decided to pull request and merge my alternative-projects into my main. For that, despite of my general experience, I wanted to dive deep and here comes trybe.

    Going to learn
  • Javascript
  • React
  • DOM, Events and Web Storage
  • High Order Functions
  • Docker
  • Node.js
  • Deployment
  • SQL Functions
  • Computer Science Intro
  • Python